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God’s I-Pad

My personal favorite Everyone has that dreaded year they fear reaching. For most women, it is 30, for Jack Benny it was 40, but for most...

A Field of Plastic

(An allegory) A twentieth-first Century addition to the Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:1-30) Ventura County is known for its...

The Ficus Benjamina

An Allegory The phone rang as the Lord said it would. I went back to work and it was going well, but for whatever reason, the depression...

The Back Hand of God

Have you ever felt you got the back hand God? I mean you really got wacked! And you may have felt as if it were God Himself doing it?...

Little Steps

Three years ago the recession was in full swing and things were very tumultuous, it was looking bad and getting worse. I was very nervous...

The Most Embarrassing Thing In My Life

One of the most often asked questions about the Christian has to do with why we need Jesus to get to God or heaven. I mean, I am a good...

How Exactly Does an Eaglet Learn to Fly?

My most favorite sermon has been Ern Baxter’s “Eagle Christians.” In this sermon he compares mature spiritual Christians to grand eagles....

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